Habitat Success Story


Making the Dream of Homeownership a Reality

Sharryn Dotson and her family moved into their brand new Habitat home in June of 2022. This 3-bedroom, 2-bath home is an example of the high-quality, affordable housing Habitat for Humanity is building in North Tulsa. Sharryn works at American Airlines and has three generations living under her roof: her mother and two children, ages 7 and 11. Sharryn had heard about Habitat over the years but didn’t know if the program would work for her. After her divorce, she came across Habitat again but thought she probably wouldn’t qualify. However, her dad counseled her to go for it, saying, “don’t tell yourself no; let them tell you no.” So with her family’s encouragement, she applied.

Our team let Sharryn know she did qualify and could join the homeownership program. She had already been working to improve her credit score, and Habitat continued that work with her. As part of the program, Sharryn worked 30 hours of sweat equity in our ReStores and met regularly with our Habitat’s Homeowner Services team. In addition, Sharryn attended our classes focused on finances and how best to care for a new home. As a result, the Dotson family soon began to envision a new future!

Sharryn selected her home and was excited to own a home in North Tulsa, which was part of a five-home plot. With five families moving into new Habitat homes at once, “we basically have our own community, which I love,” says Dotson. “My kids play with the neighbors’ kids, and I’ve made great connections with other families. We help each other out all the time.” At her previous home, space was tight. Now her kids and mother each have their own rooms, offering more space for privacy and individuality.

“My son and daughter have several friends right next door,” says Dotson, “and they’re outside playing almost every day. It’s been great to see them flourish in our new home; they love it here and have adjusted very well to our new neighborhood.”

Dotson also enjoys the larger community, with nearby amenities and easy highway access. “Some people think North Tulsa has a bad image, but we know otherwise, and we’re changing the narrative,” says Dotson. “We’re close to Pine and Peoria, an area that’s seen a huge growth in the past couple of years. There’s just so much good happening in North Tulsa.”

Most of all, says Dotson, she enjoys the home she’s providing for her family. “Habitat homes are high quality and so nice, and I couldn’t be happier with this whole experience,” she said. “For anyone out there considering a Habitat home, I would tell them as my daddy told me: Go For IT!”